Case Studies


Case Studies

Yeah, I totally get it β€” You need to understand my process and thinking more. View a few select case studies below. Please note this section is an ongoing work in progress, check back later for more.


Hyatt Hotels - Experience Booking Flow

Booking a room and booking an experience (think cocktail making class) have very different requirements and user needs.


Loupe - Art Streaming Marketplace TV App

Evolving a product with meaningful features for an early stage startup disrupting the art space with a limited budget.

Hyatt Hotels - App Ungate

Allowing users to book rooms and explore the app without having to be a member increased overall room revenue.


Hyatt Hotels - Digital Check-in

This case study is a work in progress. Check back later as I continually make updates to this page.

State Farm - Insurance Payment Center

The way it’s always been done vs. modernizing comes with its challenges within a legacy corporation.


State Farm - Paper Bill Redesign

This case study is a work in progress. Check back later as I continually make updates to this page.